We've gathered our all-time favourite nuggets of advice from our board of advisors in one excellent article that will have a profound effect on your entire family.
Health Advice All Parents Must Follow
Get your children vaccinated. Outbreaks of measles and other diseases still occur in our country and around the world. Shield that grin. Encouraging your kid to brush twice a day using a dab of fluoride toothpaste can shield against cavities. Be vigilant about security. Babyproof your home completely, and never leave a child under 5 in the tub . Make sure car seats are installed properly, and insist that your child wear a helmet when riding his bike or scooter. Listen to this doc. If your physician thinks your kid's fever is brought on by a virus, don't drive for antibiotics. The best medication may be rest, a lot of fluids, and a little TLC. Overprescribing antibiotics can cause medical problems for the child and increase the chances of producing superbugs that withstand treatment. Maintain sunblock beside your kid's toothpaste. Apply it every day as part of the morning routine. It'll behave as natural as brushing her teeth. Place your baby to bed drowsy but still awake. This helps your child learn how to soothe himself to sleep also averts bedtime problems down the line. Know when to toilet train. Search for these two signals that your child is about to use the potty: He also senses the urge to pee and poop (this is different from understanding that he's already gone), and he also asks for a diaper change.
Produce Your Own Quality Time
Play with your children. Let them choose the action, and also don 't worry about principles. Just go with the flow and have fun. This 's the name of the game. Read books together every day. Get started if he's a toddler; infants love listening to the noise of their parents' voices. Cuddling up with your child and a publication is a fantastic bonding experience that will put him up for a lifetime of studying. Schedule daily special time. Let your child select an activity where you hang out together for 10 or 15 minutes without any interruptions. There's no better way for you to show your love. Encourage daddy moment. The best untapped resource available for enhancing the lives of our children is time with Dad -- early and often. Kids with engaged fathers do better at school, problem-solve more successfully, and normally cope better with whatever life throws at them. Make memories that are warm. Your children will probably not recall anything that you say to them, however they will remember the family rituals -- such as bedtimes and game night -- that you do together.
Be a Fantastic Role Model
Be the role model your kids deserve. Kids learn by watching their parents. Modeling proper, respectful, excellent behavior works far better than telling them exactly what to do. Fess up when you blow it. This is the best way to show your child how and when she needs to apologize. Live a little greener. Show your kids how easy it's to care for the environment. Waste less, recycle, recycle, and conserve each day. Spend an afternoon picking up trash around the area. Always tell the truth. It's the way you desire your kid to behave, right? Kiss and hug your partner in front of the children. Your union is the sole case your kid has of what an intimate relationship looks, feels, and sounds like. So it's your job to set a fantastic standard. Respect parenting differences. Support your spouse's basic way of raising kids -- unless it's way out of line. Criticizing or arguing with your partner will do much more harm to your marriage and your kid 's sense of safety than if you take in criteria that are different from your own.
Know the Best Strategies to Praise
Give proper praise. Instead of merely saying, You're great, attempt to be more certain about what your child did to deserve the positive comments. You might say, Waiting before I was away from the phone to ask for biscuits was challenging, and I really enjoyed your patience. Cheer the good stuff. When you notice that your child doing something nice or helpful, let him know how you're feeling. It's a great way to reinforce decent behavior so that he 's prone to continue doing it. Gossip about your kids. Fact: What we overhear is a lot more potent than that which we are told directly. Make compliments more effective by letting your child catch you whispering a compliment about him to Grandma, Dad, or even his teddy.
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